Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Manis Clan

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As far as I have been able to find out the Manis family did start out as a clan.  They were Scottish and they started with the name Manus.  They were a part of the Clan Gun Manus.

In studying the Manis family, I have found more news stories than I expected.  

My 3 great grandfather was abused by his third wife and youngest daughter.  The abuse brought on his death.   It was written about in the Anderson paper.

I have also found articles on Perry Manis,   He was my 1 cousin 4X removed.  He committed a murder.  He abducted a woman and killed her.  They didn't find her body for a while.  After he was in jail, he attempted jail break, but was caught.  The murder happened in Terre Haute, Indiana, but was even published about in the New York Times.

Recently, I have found 2 more accounts of Manis's committing murder or at least killing someone.  In one account two young men get in an argument and one shoots the other.  Apparently in self-defense.  The main witness was the brother of the man doing the shooting.

The second murder was a man, Lester Manis, who threw his wife out of the car and killed her.  He left her laying on the road.  He told his son that his mother fell out of the car.  

With these two Manis's I am still working on them and their family connection.  I know they are connected.  They came from the same area as my 3 great grandfather's brother, Carter Manis.  The town was very small, it still isn't large.  I am sure they are related.

There is more work to do one these last two stories, but I am amazed at what all I have found on the Manis family.  Thank goodness some of these are distantly related.  It does add color to the family tree and the information if easily found.   I'm just happy that it didn't occur in my direct line.


  1. Do you have any ancestors from Kentucky?

    1. My grand father was a manies from Kentucky. I looked it up and the name was chaged form "manis" i just dont know when it happend.

  2. I am a Manis from Northeast Georgia.

  3. A ton of Manis Family in Elsinore, Missouri

  4. Hi my name is Katilynn Manis thanks for the info about my family

  5. I have just started my search. My grandfather was James p Manis. he died in 1934 . he lived in ky. Do you have info on this family?

    1. My name is Jeffrey Alan Manies jr. I Found out our family name was "Manis" at one point. I don't know how or when it changed. Now here is something ridiculous. My grandfather's name was James Manies or "manis" But i know for a fact. He was from Kentucky... Now here's where it gets really strange right. His wife my grandmas name was "Bettyann" Manies "Manis". But he was mutch younger then that though. He died in the 90's. But i wounder if were related some how. That is a ton of cowinsadense right.

    2. My great grandfather Millard Montgomery Manis was born in Livingston, Kentucky
