Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday - Lester Parker Mannis

Lester Parker Manis was my great grandfather.  He was the father of Ethel Manis, my mom's mother.  My mom called him "Pop".  He served in World War I.  For more information click on his name, it will take you to a previous post about his life.

This is the burial card from Earlham Cemetery in Richmond, Indiana.   They have cards for all of their graves.  It lists his cause of death as Carcinoma of Pyloris.


  1. Was your great-grandfather's burial card part of family memorabilia, or did you request it from the Cemetery?

    1. I went to the graveyard. They let me go through their files. I found several family members. All the cards had interesting details. I think I have to go back. At the time I was surprised and not really prepared. I asked a question and she said if you want to look just go through the file cabinets and see what you can find.
      It is a large cemetery.

